Task Of Commission
The Downtown Architectural Review Board is created for the purpose of fostering a strong viable downtown as a commercial, civic, residential and cultural center.
Membership Qualifications
- Unless permitted by statute or another provision of this Code of Ordinances, persons who are residents of the City or own property in the City or work in a full-time, permanent job in the City shall be preferred for appointment or selection to serve on any board, commission or committee of the City. An appointed member of any board, commission or committee who removes his residence from the City or sells his property in the City or stops working in the City shall be eligible to serve the remainder of his term but thereafter shall be ineligible for appointment.
- Knowledge of architectural design principles. Employment or background in a field involving architecture, engineering, design, marketing, contractor or similar occupation; downtown business owner.
- Ability to listen to property owners, business owners and design professionals to approve projects to positively affect the value of property in the Downtown.
- Good judgment and ability to articulate issues, problems and solutions.
- A demonstrated interest in serving the long-range interest of the downtown.
Method Of Appointment
City Council confirms to a 3-year term expiring August 30th.
First Tuesday of the month at 12:00 p.m. at the City-County Government Center, Meeting Room A and other meetings at the call of the chairman.
Staff Liaison
Dyann Benson – dbenson@fdl.wi.gov
Application for Boards, Commissions and Committees (fillable)