Recycling Collection Overview

Residential recycling service is currently provided by Waste Management Services. Recycling services are also provided through an automatic curbside collection. Waste Management collects recyclables once every other week in conjunction with the solid waste collection day. Recycling carts are green and gold in color and provided to residents through Waste Management. Residents can contact Waste Management to request a recycling cart (limit 1 total per household) or direct questions regarding recycling by calling 1-888-960-0008 or email at Please advise Waste Management that you are city resident and the recycling contract is under the City of Fond du Lac for better service.

You may find your recycling information on the Recycling Route Map. Click on “recycling schedule”.  A resident will be able to type in their address and receive the day and week color of their recycling pick up. The recycling calendar is also on this page to find the colored week of collection. Please NOTE because Waste Management is an independent company recycling collection may not coincide with garbage collection during the Holidays.

This address would be picked up on the GOLD week, every other THURSDAY

Your recycling information can also be found on the Recycling Calendar found on the right-hand side of this page.  Recycling materials should be placed in the green and gold carts.

If you have excess recycling that doesn’t fit into your green and gold cart, it can be dropped off, free of charge, at the Waste Management Facility located at 1207 S Hickory Street. Please contact Waste Management by calling 1-888-960-0008 for questions regarding this free service.

For more information, visit

Recycling Tips