Located at 109 N. Macy Street
Phone: (920) 322-3680 Email: fdlwater@fdl.wi.gov
Office Hours Monday through Friday 7:00am- 3:30pm
Summer Operational Hours: Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day
Mon.-Thurs. 7:00am-4:30pm & Fri. 7:00am-11:00am
Emergency Repairs
Friday, Feb 7th 2025 : 9:00am MAIN BREAK on Park Ave from 15th St to 19th St
Tuesday, Feb 5th, 2025 – 11:00am valve repair near 755 Security Dr., Apartment complex will be without water until the main is repaired.
Crews are currently onsite working on repairing the main, customers in this area will experience an outage during this time.
Important Notice
- Eliminate cold drafts by closing all basement or crawl space windows & doors.
- Insulate doors, windows & pipes near exterior walls and seal air leaks in crawl spaces.
- Keep basement temperatures above freezing by opening furnace duct vents.
- Shut off water to outside faucets from inside the residence & drain line.
- Run a small stream of water in your resident to keep constant water movement in your pipes.
There has been reports in the state, individuals are impersonating Water Utility Workers to gain access to homes.
Please be aware Fond du Lac Waterworks Employees will always have their City of Fond du Lac photo identification badge with them, will be always be driving a City of Fond du Lac numbered Fleet Vehicle.
We rarely go door to door, notification of equipment replacement or servicing is primarily sent via mail or door hangers will be placed to call the utility to schedule an appointment. Service calls only happen between the business hours of 7am-4:30pm Mon- Fri
If a resident does encounter a questionable individual to call the Water Business Office Immediately 920-322-3680 option 9.
Utility News
Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) Service Line Materials Inventory
November 15, 2024- Utility Customers/Property Owners with documented lead service line (on either the public city owned water lines or private side lead water lines) or galvanized after lead service line were mailed an informational letter by the Utility per the LCRR requirements. As to educate the consumer on the effects of lead, steps you can take to reduce lead in drinking water, having water tested by a certified lab or how to replace private lead service lines.
This notification will be an annual publication until these properties are lead free.
If/when a property owner is required to remove a lead water line, further correspondence will be mailed to the property owner by the City.
Property Owners that were mailed an Notice of Unknown Service Line Material, may have received this letter due to the three following situations:
*Private Side Plumbing has not been inspected. Contact the Utility to schedule a Material Inventory or scheduling can be done online at https://www.fdl.wi.gov/water/schedule/
*Could Not Confirm Private Side Lateral Material, during last inspection.
*Private Side Lateral Material was not recorded during last inspection. Contact the Utility to schedule a Material Inventory or scheduling can be done online at
EPA has defined these unknown service lines as “lead” until the utility can confirm material to be of non-lead material. If you have information that could help us better describe your service line, contact us at fdlwater@fdl.wi.gov or (920) 322- 3680 option 9 and we will send a utility technician over to help
determine service line material.
Bulk Water Fill Station
Will be closed after business hours, starting Wednesday November 20, 2024 unit further notice.
Contractors may obtain bulk water during regular business hours of Monday- Friday 7:00am-3:00pm*
Take Advantage of the Fond du Lac Waterworks Toilet Rebate Program
Earn up to $100 rebate towards the purchase of a new 1.28 gallons per flush toilet.
-Replacing a toilet flushing at 3.5 gpf or higher, with a 1.28 gpf toilet (1.6 gpf toilets do not qualify)
-Participants must be a residential customer of the Utility.
-1 rebate, for 1 toilet, per household or apartment unit.
-Rebate can be in the form of a check or credit to next water bill.
*See rebate brochure for Terms & Conditions*
Filling a Pool…. Find out How you can be Exempt from Sewer Charges
Sewer credits maybe considered for excess water usage that occurred outside of a building and did not enter into the sanitary sewer system.
Please complete the electronic Sewer Credit Form and view Sewer Credit Policy
*Date Range of the continuous fill period along with the beginning & end water meter readings are required. (Water meters are commonly located in the basement or crawl space. If there is neither a basement or crawl space on site check for the water meter in utility closest or under sink)
*Customers must be current on their water bills at time of submittal.
*Credit issued is limited to (1) one fill per season.
*Secondary submittals during the same season, will not be processed.
The Utility has converted to a new billing software and customer portal in 2023
visit: https://myaccount.fdl.wi.gov/user/login
First Time Users Click…… Don’t have an account? Sign Up
*Existing customers were issued a new 10 digit water account number.
Website will allow customers to sign-up for paperless billing, add a payment method for reoccurring payments/auto-pay, new billing/payment history, retrieve copies of past invoices and email notifications.
*Online Payments after 3:30pm will be processed the next business day.
*** Water Account Electronic Notifications ****
Late Payment reminder notifications pertaining to past due water accounts, will no longer be mailed following the cycle bill’s due date.
If you would like to stay informed electronically on your water account status…..
- Bill Ready for Viewing
- Upcoming Due Date
- Payment Received
- Past Due Balance Owed
- NOTIFICATION SETTINGS through your online log,
*Tax Roll Notification: relating to a delinquent utility account, will still be mailed beginning of October annually to Property Owner &/or Account Holder as it has in the past. This procedure has not changed with the Utility’s new billing software.
Other Methods to Pay Your Water Bill
*** Phone Payments are no longer accepted Effective 1/1/2024***
In Person: Government Center 160 S Macy St Fond du Lac 7:45am-4:30pm Monday-Friday (Pay by Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Card)
Mail Check: Payable to City of Fond du Lac PO Box 830 Fond du Lac, WI 54936
Drop off Boxes: Lot 19, Lot 22, Government Center Lobby (deposit before 1:30pm to process the same business day)
Water Quality Report is now available
for 2023 Water Testing Results
Service Changes
If you are requesting to cancel or start a water service at a location,
please complete a required Service Change Form within five (5) business days, of date transfer to occur
Forms can be returned to the Utility via
Email: fdlwater@fdl.wi.gov or Mailed/dropped off: 109 N Macy St Fond du Lac WI 54935
About Us
The Fond du Lac Waterworks is a municipally owned and operated utility providing water service to residents and businesses. Policies and rates are set by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (WPSC). The City of Fond du Lac has over 200 miles of water main with almost 15,000 service connections providing water to residents and businesses throughout the City.