Task Of Authority

To provide safe and decent housing to low income families through housing units owned by the Housing Authority.

Membership Qualifications

  1. Residence within city limits.  Membership will terminate at the end of term upon cessation of City residency
  2. Readiness to devote time and effort to carrying out duties of Authority
  3. Recognition of the housing needs of low-income families, elderly, and handicapped
  4. No more than two members may be officers of the City of Fond du Lac
  5. May not be connected in any official capacity with any political party.

Method Of Appointment

City Council confirms to a 5-year term expiring November 10th.


3:00 p.m. on second Monday of each month at Rosalind Apartments and other meetings on special occasions at the call of the chairman.

Staff Liaison

Louise Gudex – lgudex@fdlpha.org

Application for Boards, Commissions and Committees (fillable)