
About Us

The Inspection Division is a function of the Community Development Department. Inspection staff provide code information and assistance for new construction, remodeling or expanding an existing structure, or changing the use of an existing structure. Inspectors provide information regarding city ordinances for fences, garages, gazebos, storage buildings, swimming pools, temporary land uses and signs.

The City of Fond du Lac has adopted State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services’ Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Codes.

The Inspection Division is responsible for plan review, permit issuance and inspection of construction for compliance with building, electric, heating and plumbing codes. The Division also enforces City ordinances relating to property maintenance, zoning and floodplain regulations.

The municipal code includes chapters for zoning, building, plumbing, heating and electrical standards, as well as regulations for housing and property maintenance. The code is a searchable document. Please contact the Building Inspection Division at (920) 322-3570 with questions regarding City regulations.