About Us
Community Development staff provides information and guidance regarding local zoning and land use laws, site plan review, downtown design review, long range planning, floodplain administration, housing rehabilitation loans, redevelopment services, and historic preservation. The Department reviews and processes requests for special use permits, rezoning, annexation, certified survey maps, plats, variances and other discretionary approvals.
The Community Development Department oversees the development of three City-owned industrial parks: West Industrial Park, Southwest Industrial Park and Fox Ridge Business Park. Staff facilitates the purchase of land in the City-owned industrial parks and provides guidance for the initial site development and for the expansion, modification and/or reuse of existing structures.
The municipal code includes chapters for zoning, subdivision, floodplain and historic preservation. The code is a searchable document. Please contact the Community Development Department at (920) 322-3440 with questions.
*Persons who wish to receive written notice of any proposed zoning action that affects the allowable use of their property may be included on a public notification list. Please call the Community Development office at (920) 322-3440 to provide your contact information.