Residential Inspections
The purpose of the City of Fond du Lac’s Cross Connection Control Program, as defined in City Code §642.20 Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention, is to help eliminate possible contamination of the public water distribution system. There are two required components of the program; 1) Site Inspection, and 2) Compliance with State Plumbing Code SPS 382.41.
Per Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 810.15, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources requires a survey of every facility connected to the public water supply. Fond du Lac Waterworks has dedicated and trained city employees to conduct these surveys.
As part of this program, an inspection of residential properties is to be completed. Inspectors will be reviewing your water system for connections that could possible contaminate the water distribution system.
There are no fees for the inspection, however, any costs associated with the replacement or modification, installation and/or testing of backflow prevention devices or assemblies are the responsibility of the property owner/manager.
Property owners have the option of hiring a licensed plumber to conduct this inspection at the cost to the property owner, if they choose not to utilize a trained utility technician. Plumbers are required to use the utility’s Cross Connection-Clear Water Inspection Form CC CW Inspection Form
Please refer to the supplemental material below, for more information pertaining to the City’s Cross Connection Control Program and Clearwater Cross Connection Guide.
Cross Connection Control Tri-Fold
Clearwater Cross Connection Guide
Commercial & Industrial Inspections
The City of Fond du Lac has contracted with HydroCorp Inc. for commercial & industrial cross connection inspections.