CodeREd: Don’t Forget to Sign up
The City of Fond du Lac committed in keeping our community safe and informed when it comes to emergencies and other important information. The City of Fond du Lac and Fond du Lac County use CodeREd, a mass warning system that allows citizens to sign up to receive important information in a timely and accurate fashion, to reach residents quickly . City staff then uses this program to provide critical information in a variety of situations, such as weather alerts, water or sewer interruptions, major traffic detours, evacuations, or other events that could impact their properties and neighborhoods via phone, text, or email. So be sure to sign up today by going to CodeRED and don’t miss these important messages which will help you keep up to date without having to expose yourself to inaccurate or false information online. There is no charge to register for or use CodeRED and your personal information will be kept confidential.
Required information to register includes first and last name, street address (physical address only, no PO boxes), city, state, zip code and primary phone number, however, additional phone numbers can be entered as well. Emails are optional, but you may enter as many as you would like.
Once you sign up, add the following numbers to your phone contact:
Name Phone Number
EMERGENCY CALL 866-419-5000
GENERAL CALL 855-969-4636
If you miss a call from CodeRED, simply call the phone number back and you will be able to hear the last message delivered.
Things to Know About CodeRED:
- CodeRED delivers notifications through phone calls, emails and text messages.
- CodeRED is compatible with TDD/TTY devices for those with hearing impairments
- Individuals and businesses may add as many phone numbers, emails, and text numbers as you’d like
CodeRED Mobile Alert App
Residents and visitors can receive enhanced public safety alerts no matter where you are located via the CodeRED Mobile Alert app – a free public safety app for both Android and iPhone users. The CodeRED Mobile Alert app delivers community and emergency alerts to individuals targeted within the impacted geographical area so that they may also receive timely notifications when you are away from your home in any communities that utilizes CodeRED for notifications.
If you are currently a CodeRED subscriber that has already registered your mobile phone to receive notifications from Fond du Lac, you will continue to receive calls, however, if you download the CodeRED Mobile Alert app, you will also be able to receive alerts via your smartphone anywhere in the country, including Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska.
To download the free CodeRED Mobile Alert app, visit the Google Play or iTunes store.