Winter Parking Restrictions

In the City of Fond du Lac, parking from November 15th through March 15th is restricted between the hours of 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM. On EVEN numbered days starting at 8:00 PM, parking is restricted to the even side of the street only. (Example: January 10th at 8:00pm you would park on the even side of the street). The same applies for ODD numbered days. NO PERMITS will be required. Any METERED AREA is restricted to 60 minutes between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM. This policy overrides all other on-street parking restrictions in place on any street where parking is allowed.

For questions regarding winter parking restrictions, please call the Police Department at (920) 322-3700.

To appeal a parking ticket, you must submit it online at If you are not able to submit it online, you may email or write a letter to City of Fond du Lac, 160 S Macy St, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Appeals are not accepted over the phone or in person.