Under Wisconsin Public Records Law, requests may be made to access public documents from the City of Fond du Lac. Public records are defined as “any material on which written, drawn, printed, spoken, visual, or electromagnetic information or electronically generated or stored data is recorded or preserved, regardless of physical form or characteristics that has been created or is being kept by an authority.” Any person has the right to inspect a record or to make or receive a copy of such records by contacting the City.
Certain records may be exempt from inspection and copying, as set forth in Wis. Stat. Sec. 19.35. They include, but are not limited to:
- Draft notes and other prepatory material
- Personally identifiable information
- Personal information of employees
- Security information
- Financial identifying information
Frequently Requested Records
Many frequently requested records are available to the public through this website. Please click the links below to access the following records:
- City Council meeting agendas and minutes
- City Council contact information
- Board, Commission, and Committee meeting agendas and minutes
- Budget Documents
- Municipal Ordinances
Submitting an Open Records Request
City of Fond du Lac public records may be requested in three ways:
- By submitting this online request form
- By submitting a written request to the City in person, through U.S. mail, email, fax, or via telephone; or
- By submitting an oral request to the City by phone or in person.
Requests to inspect or copy a record may be made, orally or in writing, to the legal custodian, subject to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 19.35 and Chapter 148 of the Code of the City of Fond du Lac. A fee may be charged for reproduction, transcription, photographing, and mailing or shipping at the actual, necessary and direct cost for those activities.