Fond du Lac Bird City
The City of Fond du Lac is proud to be known as a Bird City Wisconsin, an honor achieved in 2012 and renewed annually since then. This designation reflects the importance that the Fond du Lac community places on protecting its wildlife—and the habitat that they rely on. Goals of developing and preserving habitat for birds and other wildlife can be found in our Comprehensive Plan, park plans, and in an annual City Council resolution. Lakeside Park and other natural areas throughout the Fond du Lac community would not be the same without the varied and beautiful array of birds that can be found there.
Several local organizations and individuals are critical partners in these efforts. Of special note, the City thanks a local group of outdoor enthusiasts—Park Watch—for spearheading the initiative to become a Bird City Wisconsin, and for hosting annual International Migratory Bird Day celebrations. IMBD is typically celebrated with walking “birding” tours in several area parks during the first weekend in May. Watch for announcements of the next event!
Questions about the Bird City Wisconsin designation can be directed to Paul DeVries, Director of Public Works, at 920-322-3473.
For additional information on Fond du Lac’s bird conservation efforts, please visit our Bird City Wisconsin page by following this link.