Please do:
- Take a seat if one is available and remain seated while bus is moving.
- Hold on if it is necessary for you to stand
- Give your seat to persons who, because of age or physical conditions, are less able to stand than you are.
- Be reasonable about the size and number of bundles that you bring on the bus, especially at an hour when it is likely to be crowded.
- Secure all strollers and carts.
- Tell bus driver, when boarding, if you need a transfer.
Please do not:
- Smoke, chew, or vape tobacco products.
- Play any electronic devices, instruments, except through ear phones. No one else should be able to hear what you are listening to.
- Use loud or offensive language.
- Put your feet any place but on the floor.
- Push, shove, run, jump, or throw objects within the bus.
- Engage in any activity which would distract the bus drivers attention from the operation of the bus.
- Abuse, threaten, or attack any other passenger, or bus operator.
- Engage in any lewd or offensive conduct or indecent exposure.
- Stand forward of any area marked by a white or yellow line behind the bus driver, or stand in front or rear bus step-well.
- Place anything on the floor that may roll or move when unattended, including but not limited to skateboards, roller skates and balls.
- Strollers and carts must be secured.
- Make any marks, etchings, cuts or otherwise damage or deface seats or other Fond du Lac Area Transit property.
- Bring animals, except for those protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. You may also bring small animals on board if they are secured in a cage or carrier.
- Carry onto any bus hazardous material, such as uncovered glass, gasoline, solvent, open glue, unsheathed knives or other sharp tools or implements that could cause injury or damage to others.
- Refuse to cooperate with bus driver or representative of Fond du Lac Area Transit in the event of a violation of funds, an emergency, or enforcement of rules.
- Refuse to obey posted notices, signs, or other written communications directed to passengers which have been placed in Fond du Lac Area Transit buses by Fond du Lac Area Transit management.
- Bring onto the bus any guns, firearms or other weapons.