In June 2024, the City was notified by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently updated Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) and/or Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Fond du Lac, including the City of Fond du Lac. As a result, FEMA and the DNR require each community to update their floodplain ordinance. FEMA and the DNR create a model ordinance and each community then incorporates the model ordinance into their Municipal Code. For the City, this is Chapter 690 – Floodplain Zoning.
For the City, the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) was updated, but there were no updates to the City’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). This means there are no changes to the mapped floodplain areas within the City. An update to the FIS still requires adoption of the updated model ordinance.
The City also participates in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) Program. This Program enables property owners who have flood insurance within the community to save a percentage on their flood insurance rates. The City is a CRS Level 7 community and property owners can save up to 10-15% on their flood insurance rates.
Due to the City’s status as a CRS community, staff has been working with both DNR and CRS representatives to ensure that the attached updated floodplain regulations meet the requirements of FEMA, DNR and CRS.
Due to the extent of changes in the new ordinance, the existing Chapter 690 would be repealed in its entirety and a new Chapter 690 would be adopted.
The new code was adopted in November 2024.
Some of the key updates or changes reflected in the new ordinance include:
- Clarifying the establishment of floodplain districts and locating floodplain boundaries.
- More defined general standards for new construction, substantial improvements and subdivisions.
- Clarifying permitted uses in the Floodway District and more restrictive development standards for those uses.
- Clarifying development standards in the general floodplain district.
- Additional requirements for nonconforming uses.
- Defining the requirements for the requirements and submittals for hydraulic and hydrologic studies.
- Clarifying floodproofing requirements and certifications.
- The most significant change is that new development and substantial improvements will now need to be constructed at two (2) feet above the regional flood elevation versus the one foot under the previous ordinance.