Street Lights
The City of Fond du Lac manages an estimated 5,000 street lights throughout the City. Street lights throughout the City are located on metal poles or wooden poles and are managed differently. Street lights located on metals are replaced and maintained by the Electrical Division at the City. Street lights on wooden poles are replaced and maintained by Alliant Energy. To report a street light out, please select Report.
Who do I contact if a street light is out?
If a street light is not working, intermittent, or flickering, please notify the City for a steel pole outage at 322-3544, or Alliant Energy for a wood pole outage. The more information you provide, the faster we can identify and fix the problem. Alliant’s wooden poles may be reported on line at on Alliant’s website: Report an Outage. If this is not an option for you, please phone Alliant at 800-862-6222.
Who do I contact if a traffic signal is not working?
If a traffic signal is not working or does not revert to a flashing mode as designed, please call 920-322-3544. If you observe a light being struck, please call 911.