Residential Drainage Plan
The City of Fond du Lac adopted Ordinance #3660 amending Chapter 325 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management relating to Drainage Plans on March 28, 2018. Amendments to the ordinance include, but not limited to the following information:
- Review Fee Required. A review fee is required with the submittal of a residential lot drainage plan and shall be paid in an amount set by resolution of the City Council.
- Drainage Deposit Required. A deposit is required for compliance with residential lot drainage plans and protection of public right-of-way infrastructure (including, but not limited to, sidewalk, driveway aprons, curb/gutter, terrace landscaping, street pavement; and sanitary, water, storm facilities). The deposit shall be returned to the builder or property owner upon the final approved inspection of the lot drainage and public right-of-way infrastructure. If during final inspection, the City Engineer directs corrective work, and said corrective work is not completed, part or all of the deposit may be forfeited to the City of Fond du Lac for use in completing the corrective work.
The Drainage Plan Application and Two (2) stamped Drainage Plans will need to be submitted to the City Engineering Division, 4th floor of the County/City building located at 160 S. Macy St. for review and approval. The primary applicant is responsible for calling City Engineering – 920-322-3470 or emailing to schedule all inspections and close out the permit once work is complete.