Friends of the Fond du Lac Senior Center

Join Our Friends!

The Friends of the Fond du Lac Senior Center was incorporated as a non-profit organization on December 20, 1989 by a group that was interested in supporting the programs and activities at the Fond du Lac Senior Center. The Friends of the Fond du Lac Senior Center stay true to that vision today – sponsoring several fundraisers each year, with the proceeds going to support The Center.  The main fundraisers for the Friends are the Membership Drive, the Dine Out and Service Coupon Books, the Annual Raffle, and the Annual Gala.

While being a “Friend” of The Center is not required to participate in our activities, we appreciate the support of our Friends and ask you to please consider supporting the Friends organization. To become a Friend, click here for the 2025 Friendship Form which can be mailed or dropped off at The Center with payment.

In 1990 the Friends held a “Charter Membership Year” and offered memberships for $3 for a single, $5 for a couple. They stated that: “Friends will consist of generous people who have a genuine concern for senior citizens, and who will contribute money, time, or talents to the Center.” For many years, our annual support rates have remained at $10 for a single and $15 for a couple; and we are so thankful for the hundreds of our generous Friends who support the programs and activities at the Center.

The Friends organization is fundamental to the operation of The Center. It is safe to say that with out the support of the Friends, The Center could not be the vital asset to the community that it is today.