Make Time To Have Fun!
Research shows that loneliness is as bad for our health as obesity or smoking! Our goal is to prevent loneliness and isolation in people 50+ in our community. With over 225 activities a month, we hope to provide programs and activities that encourage you to stay active and engaged. Check out our latest newsletter for more information on current programs and activities. You can find our newsletters by clicking here.
Read, Write, and Learn
- Know Before You Need To Know (KBYNTK) – Educational Programs designed to help people understand navigating aging before a crisis
- Falls Prevention Programs
- German Language Learners – Beginning
- German Level II and Level III
- Neurobics – Word Puzzles and Monthly Contest
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Memory Writers Group
- Tech Tyme – on site
- Tech Tyme at Moraine Park
- Book Club
- Sewing Class
- Technology Classes including topics like Internet Safety, Shopping Safely Online, Streaming TV, Emerging Technologies, and more
- Cooking and Healthy Food Classes
Social & Support
- Movies – New Releases
- Throwback Friday Flicks
- Special Events – Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tailgate, Leap in for Lattes, Dairy Days Celebration, Veterans’ Day Celebration
- Pop Up Events – Pi Day, Anniversary Celebration, Crafts
- Spread the Kindness Day Card Mailing Program
- Travel Opportunities with Kim’s Tours
- Annual Raffle Drawing Event
- Annual Gala Dinner and Celebration
- Birthday Month Giveaway
- Kindness Nomination Box
- Volunteer Card Writers (send over 1000 cards a month!)
- Monthly Stock Box (shelf stable food)
- Feeding America Monthly Resource Day
Art & Creativity
- Woodcarving Group
- Flying Geese Quilting Club
- Sunset Stitchers Quilt Guild
- Art with Arianna
- Pop Up Craft Events
- Creator’s Corner
- Art Classes at Thelma
- Knit Wits – create winter hats/mittens/scarves and donate to community organizations
- Spread the Kindness Day
Music and Dance
- Fondy Sunshine Strummers
- Beginning Line Dancing
- Country Line Dancing
- Zumba Gold
- Cardio Drumming
- Friends Annual Gala Event
- Bunco
- Canasta
- Hand & Foot
- Euchre
- Cribbage
- Mah Jongg
- Recreational Sheepshead
- Game Day
- Bingo
- Open Pool
- 8-Ball League
- 9-Ball League
- Men’s Golf
- Ladies Playful Golf Club
Hobbies and Activities
- Coin Club
- Genealogy Group
- Stamp Club
- Tech Tyme
- Movies
- Walking Group
- Ladies Playful Golf Club
- Men’s Golf League
- Wood Carving
- Sewing
- How To Create – gardening, arts, crafts, seasonal decorations
- Slow Roll Bike Rides
- Strong! Strength Training
- Cardio Drumming
- Walking Group
- Balance & Stretch
- Beginning Yoga
- Chair Yoga
- Intermediate Yoga
- Take 5 for You – Indoor Exercise
- Balance Testing
- Grip Testing
- Slow Roll Bike Rides
- Memory Screening
- Water Aerobics
- Water Yoga
- Instructor Led Water Walking
- Video Walk to Fitness
- Take 5 for You – Outdoor Exercise
- Parents of Angels
- Parkinsons Support Group
- Alzheimer’s Support Group
- Hearing Screenings and Hearing Aid Cleanings
- Blood Pressure Screenings
- Educational Programs – Fall Prevention, Chronic Pain, Healthy Food of the Week and more