
Title Name Email Phone
Chief of Police Aaron Goldstein agoldstein@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3706
Assistant Chief of Police Administration Jason Laridaen jlaridaen@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3718
Assistant Chief of Police Operations Scott Krause skrause@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3720
Administrative Assistant Tina Anderson canderson@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3706

Patrol Division

Title Name Email Phone
Captain Dave LeCaptain dlecaptain@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3748
NW Lieutenant Mike Noble mnoble@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1159
SW Lieutenant Kevin Post kpost@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1157
WC Lieutenant Joe Zauner jzauner@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1154
EC Lieutenant Erik Foster efoster@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1151
NE Lieutenant Andy Gill agill@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1165
SE Lieutenant TJ Fischer tfischer@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1150
Business Lieutenant Steve Olson solson@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1158
Analytics Lieutenant Jason De Jager jdejager@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1155

Organizational Development & Professional Standards Division

Title Name Email Phone
Captain Tony Hahn ahahn@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3712
Organizational Development Lieutenant Ryan Williams rwilliams@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3705
Professional Standards Lieutenant Michael Gales mgales@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3772
Property/Evidence Manager Paul Torres ptorres@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3703
Records Supervisor Lara Birkholz lbirkholz@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3697
Recruitment and Retention Specialist Cammie Vandermolen cvandermolen@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3728

Special Services Division

Title Name Email Phone
Captain Robb Duveneck rduveneck@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3749
School Resource Officer Keywon Brown kbrown@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1017
School Resource Officer Marcus Clapper mclapper@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1073
School Resource Officer Sandra O’Donnell sodonnell@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1042
School Resource Officer Jesse Pimental jpimental@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1074
School Resource Officer Travis Tuttle ttuttle@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3700 x 1036
Mental Health and Wellness Specialist Brooke Mathes bmathes@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3747
Community Response Social Worker Kim Miller kimberly.miller@fdlco.wi.gov 920-322-3747
Domestic Violence Intervention Specialist Anthony Schulget aschulget@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3755

Criminal Investigations

Title Name Email Phone
Lieutenant Matt Bobo mbobo@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3722
Detective Matt Chevremont mchevremont@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3744
Detective Chris Deering cdeering@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3723
Detective Nick Hahn nhahn@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3721
Detective Vance Henning vhenning@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3725
Detective Kristina Meilahn kmeilahn@fdl.wi.gov 920-322-3713
Detective Lee Mikulec lmikulec@fdl.wi.gov 920-251-3726

Police Station

Title Address Phone
City of Fond du Lac Police Department 126 N Main St, Fond du Lac, WI 54935 920-322-3700


Title Phone
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 920-906-5555